Get to know a new idea of money.

The powerful idea behind Bitcoin and Trading.


Why is trading
so important?

Cryptocurrency networks need computational power to run securely. The world’s most powerful blockchains are supported by millions of computers around the world.

Unlike paper money, Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies are produced mathematically and held digitally. The people who voluntarily offer their computing power to secure these cryptocurrency networks are called miners. Cryptocurrencies don’t have a central government or other so-called ‘middlemen’ that decide about the future of the system. – They are in fact digital, borderless democracies in which miners vote with their computing power to reach order and consensus.

307.760 Avg. Daily Bitcoin Transactions
Why is mining so important? Why is mining so important?

How is Bitcoin kept secure?

The only way to not create money out of thin air or corrupt it, is to burn real energy. This is called Proof-Of-Work.

Today, bitcoin is the most secure computer network on the planet and it’s practically impossible to break it! The reason for that is hash power, the umbrella term used for the computing power that miners provide to the bitcoin network and similar cryptocurrency networks. Due to the rapid growth of the ecosystem, mining operations today are mostly running with specialized high-performance computers that function most efficiently set up in large data centers.

>43.000 Current hashrate in Ehash/s
What’s the incentive for miners? What’s the incentive for miners?

What’s the incentive for miners?

It all comes down to trust: Miners keep the blockchains trustworthy and are rewarded for their efforts.

As miners, we are processing and verifying the transactions of the cryptocurrency ecosystems and keeping their public transaction history (=blockchains) maintained and secure. For this, the mining community is rewarded with the networks’ transaction fees and newly created coins. It’s a win-win situation! When you start mining with us, you are getting your share of this reward.

1.800 of Bitcoins mined per day
How is Bitcoin kept secure? How is Bitcoin kept secure?

The big vision of cryptocurrency.

The future will be decentralized.

To keep the integrity (and values!) of all cryptocurrency ecosystems intact, miners keep the networks safe and its authority decentralized by keeping each other constantly in check. This allows both a healthy growth and a fair distribution of currency units to all crypto-citizens!

How we are streamlining this process!
>10 Years Current 24/7 runtime of the bitcoin network
The big vision of Cryptocurrency The big vision of Cryptocurrency

Why Primal?

We are making mining and trading accessible to everyone.

We are uniting all key aspects of running an efficient cryptocurrency mining and trading. From building highly efficient datacenters to providing a streamlined mining and trading system for our users.

We make trading competitive.

To trade competitively today, you need to invest significant resources, time and effort into your setup. Our team has built the most efficient trading systems to do the job for you. This way you can fully focus on keeping track of the markets and remain competitive with your trading rewards.

See our Radiant Tech

Contributing to the ecosystem.

Besides being the portal for interesting trading data, we are also actively contributing to the cryptocurrency ecosystem, from launching awareness campaigns to releasing open-source trading software.

See our Contributions

Multi-algorithm support.

We are building trading datacenters around the world that are able to support different trading algorithms for 10+ different cryptocurrencies. If that’s not enough, we’d be happy to also support the ones you want to invest!

See our Pricing


Daily Trading Outputs

Your trading outputs will be added to your account daily and automatically

State of the Art Trading Technology

For every blockchain algorithm that we offer, we’re providing some of the highest performing trading systems that exist

Diverse Trading Portfolio

Choose from 6 major trading algorithms that span over 10+ mineable cryptocurrencies

Freedom of Allocation

Allocate your hash power to other cryptocurrencies within your trading algorithm of choice

Intuitive Dashboard

All the crypto trading data and charts that you need, when you need them

Secure & Private

We support cryptocurrencies that promote privacy, so we strive to keep collected user data to a minimum and only ask for information that is mandatory from a regulatory perspective

Featured on

We respect Primal, we understand their business, and I even consider the three founders friends.


Primal, the eco-friendly Bitcoin cloud trading provider, has launched Enigma, the world’s largest ether cloud trading farm.

International Business Times

Primal is the largest cloud trading provider in the world, serving over 250,000 daily customers and actively supports and advocates for growth and expansion of the industry as a whole.

Huffington Post

To reach Enigma, the main base of one of the fastest growing businesses on the planet, you first have to fly to Reykjavik. Next, you drive along several roads until you reach a dirt track. It is then a rough ride for a few miles until you arrive at three nondescript white warehouses.

The Telegraph

Primal, one of the largest crypto miners in Iceland, has opened three trading facilities in Iceland and in 2016 CEO Marco Streng speculated the company may be one of the biggest single users of power in the country.

Business Insider

Primal fits into the complex world of cryptocurrency trading by bringing trading capabilities back to the individual through its cloud-based infrastructure. The company has several trading farms in which it maintains all the high-powered servers and equipment necessary for an effective trading rig.
